Monday, 21 November 2011

The future belongs to Intercessors

WPC 15 M    20|November|2011|   Salvation Army Training School Tema C.12
here is no victory without battle
Promises of God are free but you need to contend to posses it
GOD IS Determine to help and bless YOU
Everything in this world revolves around seed time and harvest time
If you don’t know where you are going you will never get there
The prophetic word put an expiry date on the attack of the enemy
The future belongs to intercessors
Ministry is in phases
It is the attitude of the congregation that determines the direction of the anointing
Sometimes your place determines your destiny
The closer you are to God the more your problems disappear
Anything born by prayer and faith must be sustained by faith and prayer

Marriage is Purely Sacrificial

WPC Day 5  Singles and Young Couples Summit    18|November|2011|   

The Christ in you is your hope for tomorrow
We cannot continue to follow God and make mistakes
The devil hates marriage because there is power in unity
The fear of God in your Relationship   will decide your favour
You cannot be wise and be broke
When you solve problems you make money
The fear of God is the booster of divine favour
A house is built by wisdom not money
Wisdom is the key to happy matrimonial home
 Wise people make decisions to create their future
Foolish people make decisions to create their present
Do not prepare for wedding prepare for marriage
Poverty and prosperity is a state of mind
Marriage is purely sacrificial
In marriage you think about the well being of your partner
Righteousness is the foundation of kingdom marital prosperity
Spirituality is knowing and practising God’s word           
If people can classify you they can define you
 Sow a seed of forgiveness and you will harvest the fruit of forgiveness
 Integrity is doing what you say you will do
You will never leave where you are until you decide where you are going
You need mentors for different aspect of your life
There is no substitute for hard work in marriage
 In marriage be careful of what you say for your words create your world

Friday, 18 November 2011

Renewing Our Minds

WPC Day 4       5 Day Singles and Young Couples Summit  
n the presence of God our weakness will die
The battle is in the mind, be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Following God can be slow but sure
Anything outside the context of the word of God has no future
What God has joined together no man dead  or alive put asunder
Righteousness is God’s responsibility Holiness is our responsibility
The word of God is our escape route
It is the word of God that renews our mind
You cannot love God and love the world at the same time
It is dangerous to be a Christian with an un-renewed mind
When you are informed you will be transformed
When you arein  the centre of God`s will you attract favour automatically
Woe unto you if your enemy know more than you
If you live after the flesh you will be killing your future
If you have the fear of God your future is glorious
Fornication can bring torture to your life
The fact that you are free to do something does not men God accepts it
Just because something is technically legal does not mean it is spiritually appropriate
If you can lead and follow you will become exceptional
Your words determines the world you live in
Anything born by the heart is more enduring than things born by the mind

The Fear Of the LORD

WPC Day 3       5 Day Singles and Young Couples Summit  

he word of God is a seed
There is time for every thing
Sometimes you are not happy in marriage because of ignorance
The fear of God is a must in our marital home
The fear of God is the missing ingredient in marriages today
Religious people are sometimes more dangerous than unbelievers
In this generation you can only succeed by giving
An object can big or small depending on where you are standing
Everything God created gives
When you stop giving you start dying
God is a Spirit and He speaks to our spirit
Prayer does not produce prosperity it is giving that produce prosperity
The most giving nation is the most powerful nation
Every giver rules his environment
Every couple need the spirit of the fear of God
Life is school
Life is lesson
 By our actions we unconsciously write our testimonial
In life you must put boundaries around your life
Sex is not Love
Love is not sex
In the context of marriage sex reinforces love

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Sanctity Of Marriage

WPC Day 2       5 Day Singles and Young Couples Summit  

If your heart desires something your mind will navigate a path for its achievement
When your spiritualised marriage the marriage is bound to fail
No matter how spiritual you are you live in a natural world
Life is about decisions and choices
Sex is not just an act it is a spiritual thing
Sex is only permitted in the context of marriage
The difficulties of marriage are preferable by far to a sexually tortured life as a single.
If you not are ready to marry within 2 years do not enter into courtship
A woman’s love and heart is like a electric cooker
A man’s love and heart is like a gas cooker
You need to prepare mentally before you enter into marriage
Women should marry men who fears God and have vision
A man who fears God has a future
It is dangerous to sleep with a woman who is not your wife
As child of God it is important to marry based on faith
Sex is a mystery
Sex is a life producing act
There is no substitute for faith
Every husband success is seen in his wife
Do not undermine your husband in front of his friends
Marriage is a sacrificial work
Marriage is a school without graduation

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Marriage Tit bits

                       WPC Day 1    5 Day Singles and Young Couples Summit   

To enter into any vocation you need training
But most people do not learn how to marry
The three most important relationships on earth
Our relationship with God
Our relationship with our spouse
Our relationship with believers
Ignorance is more dangerous than HIV
You can’t know the truth and be in bondage
Your greatest desire must be to marry someone who has a relationship with God
Women are the same every where
Women are very delicate creatures
Women marry men with the hope that they  will change the men
Men marry women with the hope the women  will not change
Most people pretends while dating
Love is a spiritual thing you do not go school to learn love
Love is a spirit
In courtship some character can be change others cannot
There is a difference between character and temperament
The family is more important to God than the church
Do not marry for where you are marry for where you are going
If you don’t have insight you cannot have foresight
A man is a man and a woman is a woman
If you have a weakness in the   flesh and you don’t deal with it the enemy will take over
Women know the state of your heart before you give it to a man
It is not every man that can be a husband
It is not every woman that can be a wife
A woman is created a wife is made
Women; when you’re courting with a man check his love level
Until you leave physically and spiritually you cannot cleave
You obey your spiritual parents and honour your physical parents
There is no glory in poverty

If you are selfish you cannot have a successful marriage

Monday, 14 November 2011

Dealing With Curses 2

WPC 14 M 13|November|2011|   Salvation Army Training School Tema C.12
When you share your testimony God will multiplies your miracles
The just shall live by his faith
The things you say are the things you posses
By faith you will shut the mouth of lions
God always respond to faith
Unbelief quenches the prophetic oil
Righteousness gives you a right standing before God
Righteousness gives you authority over the enemy
Life in the spirit is more real than life in the natural
Satan does not fear us but the Christ in us
Blessing and curses are choices
The things you do to attract blessings if you do the opposite you will attract a curse
Life and blessings go together
Death and curses go together
There are three curses on the African continent: polygamy, idol worship and ignorance
Democracy is dangerous without the enforcement of law
Sometimes to deal with your future you must know your history
The assignment of the devil is to kill steal and destroy
A curse will let you work like an elephant and eat like a rat
To come out of trouble there is a price to pay
Anything that compete with the worship of God attract the curse of God
One of the vehicles that carry a curse is words
There is no distance in the realm of the spirit
Words travel as fast as sound in the realm of the spirit
Until something is done about a curse it abides
A curse will only apply if the conditions of the curse are met
When you serve God you secure your generation and descendants

Dealing With The Flesh

 WPC 14 M 13|November|2011|   Salvation Army Training School Tema C.12

There is a lot of demand for prayers in the realm of the spirit
There can be no divine intervention without human involvement
Any faith that only relays on divinity without your involvement is an irresponsible faith
Knowledge is reflective
God will give you knowledge that will disarm the enemy
My people are destroyed for lack knowledge
Biblical information makes you rest in the midst of turbulence
Deal with the spirit behind your troubles
The word of God is truth and God cannot lie
Ignorance makes men to live in bondage
Do not live your Christian life based on the standard of your pastor
If your spirit can control your soul and body you have paralyse the devil
Anointing is a gift 
The gift and callings of God are without repentance
It is difficult to deal with the flesh than the devil
You do not serve God on your terms but on His terms
Fasting and prayer put your spirit in the wavelength of God
When you conquer the flesh you have won the battle

Friday, 11 November 2011

Dealing with Curses 1

WPC 13M 6|November|2011|   Salvation Army Training School Tema  C.12                

t is not good to hinder God when God is on the move
If you want to stop the smoke go to the source
Behind every curse there is a cause
Sometimes you do not need to pray against curses
Sometimes you do not need to bind curses
You need a man of higher authority to reverse a curse
God is a cursing God: God cursed the ground
Jesus is a cursing Jesus: He cursed the fig tree
Until a curse is broken it abides
It is not everybody that you can curse
Descendants of Abraham cannot be cursed
Cursed is very one who curse Abraham
The first step to deliverance is revelation
In the realm of the spirit ignorance is no excuse
What you do not know can kill you
Sacrifice can stop an attack
If you do not live by faith you will be grounded

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Your Miracle is in Your Seed

Trinity Baptist Church- Ghana | 03|November|2011
very good deed in the kingdom is recorded in a book
Is not everything we pray about, sometimes  you need to write it and present it to God
When God takes over the struggle is over
Learn how to serve God in pain and joy
The prosperity of the righteous is a threat to the devil
This generation has no preaching of the word of God problem but practicing of the word problem
We need grace to practice the Love of God
Women are like computers what you programme is what you get
Thank God for not giving up on you
God can identify with our weakness
Man look at the outward God look at the inward
The greatest mystery in life is the attitude of your heart towards God
When you step out of the word you will sink
It is the word based prayer that threatens the devil
Know who you are in Christ
Be conscious of who  you are in Christ: it is your foundation for dealing with the enemy
You can never take salvation for granted
The Love God had for Christ is the same that God has for us
Your enemies will not come once
When you fight the enemy with your senses you will lose the  battle
The devil you do not resist will stay
When we take love out of our lives we become mafias
Women do not love money they love care
Tradition weakens the word of God
Love your wife to save your life
When you are hurry you will die in worry
Righteousness is Gods responsibility holiness is our responsibility
It is easy for God to forgive us ; the problem is that we find it difficult to forgive ourselves
God does not consult your past to determine your future
Your greatest asset is what you do in the secret
Once a covenant is sealed the covenant becomes eternal
Your miracle is your seed
A seed has power to break every obstacle
Everything you do is a seed
Don’t fight spiritual battle with physical strength
May you have a picture of your future
You can pray amidst but not give amidst

Divine Encounter

Trinity Baptist Church -Ghana |02|Nov|2011|
ive God the opportunity to bless you
I am what God says I am I can do what God says I can do
Do not be your own enemy
Sometimes when you have confidence people will hate you
Sometimes the enemy  can change the battle strategy
What are you watching that is make you afraid?
Faith is no cheap talk but hard work
Faith moves you to the next level
Men of God are contact for our elevation
One encounter with divinity ends a lifetime of struggle
The word of God has power for instant result
God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself
God will not do for you what you can do for your self
You will have to meet God on His terms
The is an invisible power behind the visible oil
The seed you sow will produce a harvest that will service your life
You need a point of reference to confront your enemies
There is no substitute for courage
Prophesy does not exempt your from battles
The bigger your prophesy the bigger your battles
The anointing change sometime in the spirit
Doctors heal through the physical body God heals through the spirit
God will not consult you to determine my future
God is God
Thieves hate noise shout to the Lord
When men reject you God will pick you up
You are  God`s next champion
When the anointing of God touches you your story will change
Do not worry about people who despise you today they will salute you tomorrow
Wisdom is too high for a fool