Monday, 31 October 2011

The Fire will not Consume You

WPC 12M    |30|Oct|2011|
Guest Blogger :Bishop Bob Asare
he true measure of love is sacrifice
Life is a journey
God is going to move his people to another level
Life journey begins from conception
You will never die before your time
Good things sometimes  come in short packages
Nothing can consume you
Today Jehovah will hear your cry
God does not just deliver but He also promotes
 Your  miracle is  now
Life is made of up three  major segment : Our past, present and future
You will see your promise land and walk on it
You are child of destiny
Sometimes in life you might not know where you are going but the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord
Mercy and grace will locate you
Sometimes circumstances can force you to do things you hate
The good  the bad and the ugly will work for you good
Every great general has been through the back of the desert experience
God is the God of a second chance
Whatever you are going through at the end the glory of God shall be revealed
Today you  have come into the stability and strength of the Lord
When you are under fire you are about to birth a new thing
No matter the fire that you come under you will not be consumed
God does nothing until prayer goes up

Monday, 24 October 2011

You Posses What You Say

 WPC  11M         23/10/11
It is what you do consistently that produce results
Do not allow your enemies to be comfortable make the devil  uncomfortable
Take the battle to the gate
When you sense the joy of the Lord your miracle is on its  way
Every religion fight for their master in Christianity our master fights for us
Say what you believe and you become what you say
Know who you are in Christ
If is too big for mouth it is too big for your hand
Give your mockers room to mock and your maker room to make you
Anything that comes out of your mouth will either make or unmake you
The devil does not know what is in your heart until you say it
Your atmosphere determines your future
Poverty is not lack of money but a state of mind
If you are in hurry you will die in worry
Following God can be slow but sure
The blood of Jesus is God`s last card
There is healing in the blood
There is peace in the blood
There is prosperity in the blood
There is deliverance in the blood
Let the redeemed of the Lord Say so
Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say  I am rich

It is an Honour to Serve God

I.C.G.C   Zoe Temple 23/10/11
 Life is a gift give praise to God
t is not everybody in life that you can help
You cannot help anybody who thinks you are his problem
GOD cannot help you if you think God is your problem
You cannot help anybody who cannot accept scriptural solution for his problem
The love of God brings  the fear of God
In this kingdom you can fall from every height
Anointing cannot be bought with money
Christ in you is the hope of glory
Nothing can be compared to the Jesus Christ in you
Ceremonies do not change people
It is a privilege to serve God not a right
There is a God factor in salvation
Seven is the number of God
Everybody must be born again
It better to be  saved  and broke than to be rich without salvation
Salvation is so powerful that it affects your taste
The prophetic draws the heart of people to God
The demon responsible for racism is the same responsible for tribalism
When you are humble you are yourself
If you proud you are something else
God resist the proud but give grace to the humble
Do not wait for trouble to come before you seek God
Let trouble meet you with God
Lead us not into temptation deliver us from evil
Eternal life is living with God
You need to be rich in the spirit and in the natural
Purity is a booster of power
Repentance is the only way out of destruction
When you repent from   sin you will not go back to it again
When you regret from sin you will go back to it again
A broken courtship is better than a broken marriage
Marriage is a temporal thing on earth let it not stop you from heaven
Sin cannot bring you promotion
Any time you sin something in you dies
Givers are rulers
When you are stingy God shut up your brain
When you are stingy you smell in the spirit
When you stop giving you start dying
GOD loves and celebrate givers

Holding Fast To Our Confessions

I.C.G.C Zoe Temple 21/10/11

ne of the most powerful things in Christianity is to know who you are in Christ
You are my friend whether you are wrong or right
You obey your spiritual parents  in the Lord and honour your biological father and mother
Parental authority is more powerful than spiritual authority
A thieving church is a function of a good marital home
Every country where women are despised cannot prosper very well
Honour the wives of the men of God who ministers to you
Celebrate people of achievement
Do not speak evil about the men of God
Testimonies are prophecies
Testimonies are weapons against the devil
Since the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent take it by force
It is what you expect that God will manifest
The vision is for an appointed time
The just shall live by faith is a prophetic word
You either live by faith or live by sight
Doubt bring pain to the heart of the supernatural
Any time you believe God you give him pleasure
When you doubt God you give him pain
Without faith you are bound to fail
There is nothing good in us. The only good thing in us  is Christ
Sometimes we are tested by God
Faith must be confessed
Faith must be believed
Faith must acted upon
Faith must be tested
We walk by faith and not by feeling
Confess the word in the midst of the storm
If you mouth cannot say your hand cannot touch it
Blessed is he that have not seen it but  believe it
I cannot be poor
Confessing is speaking what you believe
It is confession that bring hope from the future to now
Confession brings possession
The word of faith is preached.  The spirit of faith is caught
Salvation comes by confession
If you have faith in your heart and doubt in your mind you will still get your miracle
Confession is the soul of Christianity
Faith people do not give the devil attention

Friday, 21 October 2011

The Gift of Life

 I.C.G.C Zoe Temple   20/10/11
ife is a gift let celebrate it
Expectation is the mother of manifestation
Only Jesus has the anointing without measure
There is a demon behind every sickness
No body must blame God for what they are going through
The Kingdom of God is a personal adventure
In the Kingdom prosperity is not by hard working, Except the Lord build you will labour in vain
Every nation that celebrate its  men of God receives blessings from the Lord
The most authentic prophesy is the word of God
May your breakthrough in the spirit manifest in the natural
Everything in the natural comes from the spirit
Faith is the most potent force in our walk with God
Every prophetic word is a prayer topic
Without faith you are bound to fail
Faith does not only believe the word of God  but  behave  the word
Faith without deed is dead
God does not make sense, He makes faith
The things that threatens you does not threaten  God
Any time you are afraid you are telling God He is weak
The more you sit in the office of higher anointing the more faith you need
Following Christ is not bread and butter
 Human doctors are specialist in their field, Jesus is a generalist, and he cures all manner of illness and disease
Only the truth shall set you free
Outside of truth you will leave in bondage
Any love not rooted in the love for God is only temporal and fake
Sometimes you go through difficult situation not because you have sin
You are blessed
You cannot be sick
You shall not die
Faith adds colour to your Christian life
As a man thinks so is he
Prosperity is a state of mind
God will look at your attitude to determine your miracle
The Blessings of the Lord brings relaxation
Any time God is about to work a miracle, natural laws are suspended
If God prospers you and you are not a giver your prosperity will destroy you
The devil fights root not fruit
When God put a prophetic word upon your life you have secured your destiny
When you step into the centre of Gods will favour is automatic
It is the preacher’s responsibility to declare the word of God
It is your responsibility to believe the word of God
It is God’s responsibility to honour the word based on your belief
Nothing comes from Heaven until something leaves the earth
When you sweat to praise God you will never sweat to breakthrough

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Faith Makes The Impossible Possible

WPC    Day 8       10 Day Prayer and Fasting           19/10/11
verything in the kingdom that will succeed must be based on kingdom faith
Faith is not only believing the word but behaving the word
Faith is confessing the word in the midst of storm
Faith thrives in trials and tests
Without faith you cannot survive
Coming to church is a sign of your confidence in God
God always go ahead of the devil
Today God will go ahead of your enemies
The realm of the spirit is bigger than the realm of the natural
Satan cannot kill you until you permit him
Jesus holds the key of death and hell
Do not let the enemy threaten you with death
The principle of faith is studied
The spirit of faith is a caught
May you have hope in hopeless situations
Faith people talk confidence in the centre of death
Weeping and crying do not move God it is faith that attracts God
What  you say when you are in the centre of attack  is critical
God is a God of knowledge by him actions are weighed
By faith the impossible becomes possible
Prayer of faithless people do not count much in the realm of the spirit
No word of God is void of power
Walk around people who will not make you afraid
If God cannot do it let no man try it
When you take on divine nature you speak and the heavens respond
Faith is trust and confidence in God
Fear is trust and confidence in the devil
The source of faith is God`s word
Children of God do not die they sleep

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The Secret of Men are in their Stories

WPC    Day 7       10 Day Prayer and Fasting           18/10/11
esponse to prophetic action brings uncommon results
Prayer is a seed
Obedience to prophetic actions brings uncommon divine visitation
God is raising kingdom financial moguls
It is what you do in the secret that manifest your blessings  in the open
The secret of men are in their stories
The greater the grace the greater the exploits
Kingdom greatness is connected to kingdom grace
Your God is a big God.   He does big things do big things
Receive grace to think big
If you do not control your atmosphere the devil will
If you do not know how to say I am people will say thou are
The way you carry yourself determines how people treat you
Poverty is a curse
Poverty and prosperity is a state of mind
Poverty locks up people true character

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Power of Courage

 WPC    Day 6       10 Day Prayer and Fasting           17/10/11
he more courageous you are the more you advance in the spirit
 Courage is a sign that you have  confidence in God
If you prayerful you are powerful
I​f your prayerless your are powerless
We have authority to thread upon serpent and scorpion and over all the powers of the enemy
Having faith in God is the highest level of spiritual maturity
The book of the law is more powerful than the rod of Moses
When you walk with understanding you become a threat to the devil
You can start serving God from any where
God will not fail or forsake us
Our God is alive
Be courageous in the centre of storms
Without courage you cannot operate by faith
Receive grace to have courage
Have faith in your own prayers
The people that do know their God  shall be strong and do exploit
If you want to be a failure get discouraged
JESUS never promised us easy life but He will always be with us
Anytime you are doing something that Satan is fighting it, it means you are on a good course
Your mind can only be renewed by the word of God
God is bigger than anything we call big
Approach God with courage
Fasting people have the last laugh
The future belongs to intercessors
Only the truth can set you free
You cannot fight the  devil in his own camp with his own tools
You can regret without repenting
Blind mind is more dangerous than blind eyes
The devil fearpeople  who speak in tongues
God is a loving God
 The love we are trying to practise is the nature of God
Grace wipes out your past and gives you a fresh start
Satan hate prayerful people
Miracle is instant. Healing is a process
Give God the opportunity to work on your life
There is a place in life that  you must move from faith to trust

Monday, 17 October 2011

Faith Works By Love

World Prayer Centre 10 M     16/10/11
aith is the anchor of our Christian life
There are three kinds of faith: no faith, little faith and great faith
Faith is believing that God is telling the truth
The devil hates fasting
When you deal with the devil your paralyse his agents
The angel of hope brings hope to the hopeless
Hope sees the future
Faith brings the future now
Love will secure your future
Love makes things beautiful
Love is already in our heart let us practice love
When someone receives a blessing it is a sign that ours is on the way coming
JESUS introduced agape love
Lack of love is the source of all human evil
The law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus is more powerful than the law of sin and death
Working for God is more than preaching
Anointing is not a guarantee for good marriage
We must not compromise until the victory is won
Any time you are gossiping you are compromising
The time to serve God is now
May your glory be restored
You can have unlawful  sex for 2 minutes and suffer for 40 years
Do not compromise because the battle is fierce
A serpent cannot bite until the hedge is broken
Every fasting is a threat to the kingdom of hell
If you doubt God you will become dump
The just shall live by faith
When you walk by faith people will mock you
If you have faith God cannot say no
If you love God you will give
Faith will establish your marital home
When you have faith your rule in the affairs of life
You  prosper by grace and faith

Faith Rules

WPC Day 5    10 Day Fasting and Prayers 14/10/11
n the kingdom you believe before you see
God called the things that are not as though they were
Faith consider not the negative physical evidence
Faith does not consider the physical senses
The reason your miracle has delayed is that you are considering so many things
Any time you have alternatives you stop God from moving in your life
Without faith your are bound to fail

Friday, 14 October 2011


ntil you are anointed you can not handle certain spirits
Sometimes your enemies can escape your arrows
You need different methods to handle the devil

The greatest blessing that can come to you is your obedience to the voice of God
You need know Jesus both as a lamb and the lion of the tribe of Judah
The pastors that are on fire have focus
Who are you to judge the servant of God
Look for God
Love is the anchor of Christianity
It is not over until it is over
When God gives you a promise contend for it
God bless us so  that we may be a blessing to others
Our righteousness is restored
Our glory is restored
The manifestation of prayer is sustained by faith
May you never leave a vacuum for the devil to occupy
Faith is what makes Christianity meaningful
A sacrifice is anything that you give that touches your heart
A sacrifice is anything that is not convenient to give
It is not  a right to give to God but it is a privilege
God is the owner of every thing including ourselves
Anything you refuse to do God has a substitute
The only time God requires us to test Him is in offering and sacrifice
Giving is living
When you stop giving you start dying
Every thing  God created gives
Giving is a contact that destroy the enemy
GIVERS are rulers
Givers control their environment
Givers are God`s heartbeat
The motivation for sacrifice is the love of God
Every sacrifice establish a covenant between you and God
Sacrifice always cry before God
If you fight a giver you are fighting God
If we stop giving we are in danger
There is nothing like preaching to  people who love you, even if your anointing is dead it will resurrect

Thursday, 13 October 2011


WPC Day 3   10 days Fasting & Prayers   12/10/11

hen we are in  the  presence  of God our weakness will die
GOD will turn our captivity around
It is only fighters who will win
Christianity without testimonies is equal to frustration
People who pray have a voice in the spirit
There is nothing like being a prayerful Christian
Prayerful people escape traps that entangles others
The battle is not natural it is spiritual
Prayer help us to escape from the devils attack
Fear is the devil greatest weapon
Prayerful people keep fear out of their territories
Receive grace to pray
It is a tragedy if God comes around and you do not know
Nobody hears Jesus and remains the same
The word of God put us on track
You must pray through and breakthrough
Do not prepare for wedding prepare for marriage
Repentance is making a u- turn
Everything produces after it kind
Until we know the truth we will be in bondage
Faith people live as if the devil does not exist
Anything born by prayer must be sustained by prayer
We need to pray so much that politicians will rule with righteousness
Every seed you sow gives you divine acceleration
You can enter a covenant by sacrifice
The ark of the testimony is a meeting between divinity and humanity
Testimonies are weapons against the enemy



he Intensity of your prayer determines how impotent the devil becomes
The future belongs to intercessors
You learn how to pray by praying not by reading
Prayer is a weapon that paralyze the enemy
In warfare when you kill the commander you have won the battle
Faith is a fight
Satan fight where you are going not where you are
You are a threat to the devil
If you do what others are not doing you will get what others are not getting
Time does not change things unattended to, it complicates them
If anything threatens your joy God is not behind it
Anything not based on knowledge will fail
Our love should based on God’s grace not on our strength
If you increase your love for God your love for your neighbour will increase
The condition of heart determines your success in ministry
We should thank God for not giving up on us
Eternal life must dominate our spirit
If God attaches conditions to His love none of us will qualify
God has always been there for us
Within the next 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months, 7 years expect your miracle

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Violent Take It By Force

WPC Day 2   5 days Fasting & Prayers   11/10/11
he kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force
A share in the heavenly Kingdom is sought for with the most ardent zeal and intense exertion
Spiritually cute people shall miss their blessing
The devil is afraid of knowledgeable Christians
Faith people do not give the devil attention
It is dangerous to be spiritually asleep
If you cannot pray one hour every day you have a long way to go
It is what you do consistently that determines your future
The way up is the way down
When you are spiritually sleepy you enter into multiples of temptations
The things you say can open up your life for satanic attacks
If you are not doing anything in the house of God you find fault with every thing
When your love for God grows cold you serve God for material things
When you are spiritually dead Satan will give you ideas
When you are under pressure you can do anything
You do not have to know people to treat them well
Walk in the spirit so that you will not fulfil the desires of the flesh
God can forgive you of your sins but you have to bear the consequences
Marriage is not a cure for lust
Anything that stops your from serving God is an idol
Do not make your pastor the standard of Christian life let  Christ be your standard
What gives you advantage over the devil is righteousness and eternal life
You can do something for 2 minutes and it will take 30 years to recover
The only way to escape fornication is prayer and fasting
You can lose a battle and win the war

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Prayer and Fasting Rules

 WPC Day 1          5 Day Fasting & Prayers   10/10/11
he best family is a praying family
Through prayer the impossible shall become possible
Prayer gives acceleration to divine blessings
There is a limit to what the enemy can do
The blessings of God is not money but ideas
Fear gives legal right to the devil to enter your territory
God sometimes promote through trials and temptation
Prayer changes circumstances and situations
Fasting put the devil on hold
The spirit realm controls the natural realm
Faith is not faith until the will of God is manifested .The will of God is the word of God
Prayerful people have continuous access to God
Prophetic words can change complex situations
God is a just God
Physical exertion or hard work does not produce prosperity
It is our state of mind that produces prosperity
For Christ to be formed in you, you must travail in prayer
Character is not a gift you must develop it
You must know more than your enemies
As long as you are on earth you have to deal with the devil
What you cannot change control
The devil cannot control your will if you see the devil in your territory you have permitted him
Life is a gift celebrate it
A broken courtship is better than a broken marriage
Do not fight the devil with his goods in your house
If Jesus could not convince God to accept sin flee from sin
Any time you sin sometime inside you dies
Do not play games around sin
Do not sharpen your tools in the camp of the enemy
It is better to prepare and not have opportunity than to have opportunity and not be prepared

Monday, 10 October 2011

Have Faith In God

World Prayer Centre (WPC)   9/10/11
n the kingdom quitters never win and winners never quit
Never give up
 This is a week of divine visitation
May the Lord open your eyes
Do not complain, have faith in God
Faith is a producer of good reports
You cannot put down a man of faith
People whose child birth delays give birth to extra -ordinary children
The problem is not the word of God but with the soil of our heart
If people can define you they can classify you
Sometimes you have to rise above your pastor’s prayer level to breakthrough
Woe unto you if all men say good things about you
When you are poor people will talk when you are rich people will talk, chose to be rich
You cannot bribe God by fasting
The prophetic anointing bring prosperity to the body of Christ
It brings people closer to God
Faithlessness  and familiarity blocks the unction of the Spirit
God is amazed  because of unbelief
Everybody must have a company where he prays
The devil cannot resist corporate prayers
Faith is a risk
We walk by faith not by feeling
Anytime you are dealing with God and you have alternatives God steps aside
One obedience  to the word of God can turn your destiny around
The closer you are to God the more God fights for you
One of the cures for unbelief is fasting.

Prosperity Tablets

Trinity Baptist Church Ghana  09/10/11

ou do not pay V.A.T for clapping and praising God
There is nothing like Christianity
Christ in you is your hope for tomorrow
I may not know tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow
God does not solve your problem because you are sad
The joy of the Lord is your strength
It is terrible to lose your glory
God does not make sense He makes faith
It is dangerous and difficult to pastor religious people
Depression is your responsibility Oppression is the devil`s responsibility
You cannot be oppressed until you are depressed
THE God in you is greater than money
If you have to prosper you must have courage
GOD is not a respecter of geographical location
Life is in phases Men are in sizes wait for your time
Faith is a fight
Black is not synonymous with lack
It is proofs that silence opposition
Prosperity is in the mind
It is not what you go through that matters it is how you handle it that counts
You cannot buy anointing from the shop
Every body goes something
The brother of envy is jealousy
We must grow to prosper
The problem is not God it is us because God is always right
Prayer must be based on knowledge
The first step to prosperity is changing of our thinking
Celebrate people who have prospered
Ask the rich to teach you how to fish not to give you fish
The voice of the prophet brings prosperity
Two words that sustain marriage love and submission
Weak people try to put up a front to indicate that their strong
Anything you are not the Word of God can make you
It dangerous when you love the creation more than the Creator
Wisdom comes by obeying the word of God
Do not compare yourself with anybody
Faith only depends on God’s word
Faith is a substance of things hope for
God does not measure us by how much we have accumulated but how much we have given in relation
to how much is left