WPC 12M |30|Oct|2011|
Guest Blogger :Bishop Bob Asare
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he true measure of love is sacrifice
Life is a journey
God is going to move his people to another level
Life journey begins from conception
You will never die before your time
Good things sometimes come in short packages
Nothing can consume you
Today Jehovah will hear your cry
God does not just deliver but He also promotes
Your miracle is now
Life is made of up three major segment : Our past, present and future
You will see your promise land and walk on it
You are child of destiny
Sometimes in life you might not know where you are going but the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord
Mercy and grace will locate you
Sometimes circumstances can force you to do things you hate
The good the bad and the ugly will work for you good
Every great general has been through the back of the desert experience
God is the God of a second chance
Whatever you are going through at the end the glory of God shall be revealed
Today you have come into the stability and strength of the Lord
When you are under fire you are about to birth a new thing
No matter the fire that you come under you will not be consumed
God does nothing until prayer goes up
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