Monday 10 October 2011

Prosperity Tablets

Trinity Baptist Church Ghana  09/10/11

ou do not pay V.A.T for clapping and praising God
There is nothing like Christianity
Christ in you is your hope for tomorrow
I may not know tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow
God does not solve your problem because you are sad
The joy of the Lord is your strength
It is terrible to lose your glory
God does not make sense He makes faith
It is dangerous and difficult to pastor religious people
Depression is your responsibility Oppression is the devil`s responsibility
You cannot be oppressed until you are depressed
THE God in you is greater than money
If you have to prosper you must have courage
GOD is not a respecter of geographical location
Life is in phases Men are in sizes wait for your time
Faith is a fight
Black is not synonymous with lack
It is proofs that silence opposition
Prosperity is in the mind
It is not what you go through that matters it is how you handle it that counts
You cannot buy anointing from the shop
Every body goes something
The brother of envy is jealousy
We must grow to prosper
The problem is not God it is us because God is always right
Prayer must be based on knowledge
The first step to prosperity is changing of our thinking
Celebrate people who have prospered
Ask the rich to teach you how to fish not to give you fish
The voice of the prophet brings prosperity
Two words that sustain marriage love and submission
Weak people try to put up a front to indicate that their strong
Anything you are not the Word of God can make you
It dangerous when you love the creation more than the Creator
Wisdom comes by obeying the word of God
Do not compare yourself with anybody
Faith only depends on God’s word
Faith is a substance of things hope for
God does not measure us by how much we have accumulated but how much we have given in relation
to how much is left

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