Wednesday, 5 October 2011


                               The Just shall live by faith
he just shall die without faith ·
it can be any kind of death.
 Physical, spiritual or eternal.
There is a time that each one of us must exit this earth.
Life is about decision and choices.
Everybody goes through storms of life
Life is not about money
God is placing emphasis on His kingdom
There is a place that sin must end
If God does not bless the money you make you cannot enjoy it
There can never be kingdom prosperity without holiness
If you change your position God will change your situation
The greatest miracle God can do for you is to bring you from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light
What you do not know can kill you
Anything born out of love is more powerful than anything born out of convenience
Most of the trouble we go through is as a result of us living in the sense realm.
Look to God
Faith is the most potent force in the world
The man of faith will make exploits
Favour and ideas make you prosperous
The Just shall live by his faith

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