Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Prayer and Fasting Rules

 WPC Day 1          5 Day Fasting & Prayers   10/10/11
he best family is a praying family
Through prayer the impossible shall become possible
Prayer gives acceleration to divine blessings
There is a limit to what the enemy can do
The blessings of God is not money but ideas
Fear gives legal right to the devil to enter your territory
God sometimes promote through trials and temptation
Prayer changes circumstances and situations
Fasting put the devil on hold
The spirit realm controls the natural realm
Faith is not faith until the will of God is manifested .The will of God is the word of God
Prayerful people have continuous access to God
Prophetic words can change complex situations
God is a just God
Physical exertion or hard work does not produce prosperity
It is our state of mind that produces prosperity
For Christ to be formed in you, you must travail in prayer
Character is not a gift you must develop it
You must know more than your enemies
As long as you are on earth you have to deal with the devil
What you cannot change control
The devil cannot control your will if you see the devil in your territory you have permitted him
Life is a gift celebrate it
A broken courtship is better than a broken marriage
Do not fight the devil with his goods in your house
If Jesus could not convince God to accept sin flee from sin
Any time you sin sometime inside you dies
Do not play games around sin
Do not sharpen your tools in the camp of the enemy
It is better to prepare and not have opportunity than to have opportunity and not be prepared

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