Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Power of Courage

 WPC    Day 6       10 Day Prayer and Fasting           17/10/11
he more courageous you are the more you advance in the spirit
 Courage is a sign that you have  confidence in God
If you prayerful you are powerful
I​f your prayerless your are powerless
We have authority to thread upon serpent and scorpion and over all the powers of the enemy
Having faith in God is the highest level of spiritual maturity
The book of the law is more powerful than the rod of Moses
When you walk with understanding you become a threat to the devil
You can start serving God from any where
God will not fail or forsake us
Our God is alive
Be courageous in the centre of storms
Without courage you cannot operate by faith
Receive grace to have courage
Have faith in your own prayers
The people that do know their God  shall be strong and do exploit
If you want to be a failure get discouraged
JESUS never promised us easy life but He will always be with us
Anytime you are doing something that Satan is fighting it, it means you are on a good course
Your mind can only be renewed by the word of God
God is bigger than anything we call big
Approach God with courage
Fasting people have the last laugh
The future belongs to intercessors
Only the truth can set you free
You cannot fight the  devil in his own camp with his own tools
You can regret without repenting
Blind mind is more dangerous than blind eyes
The devil fearpeople  who speak in tongues
God is a loving God
 The love we are trying to practise is the nature of God
Grace wipes out your past and gives you a fresh start
Satan hate prayerful people
Miracle is instant. Healing is a process
Give God the opportunity to work on your life
There is a place in life that  you must move from faith to trust

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