WPC 11M 23/10/11
It is what you do consistently that produce results
Do not allow your enemies to be comfortable make the devil uncomfortable
Take the battle to the gate
When you sense the joy of the Lord your miracle is on its way
Every religion fight for their master in Christianity our master fights for us
Say what you believe and you become what you say
Know who you are in Christ
If is too big for mouth it is too big for your hand
Give your mockers room to mock and your maker room to make you
Anything that comes out of your mouth will either make or unmake you
The devil does not know what is in your heart until you say it
Your atmosphere determines your future
Poverty is not lack of money but a state of mind
If you are in hurry you will die in worry
Following God can be slow but sure
The blood of Jesus is God`s last card
There is healing in the blood
There is peace in the blood
There is prosperity in the blood
There is deliverance in the blood
Let the redeemed of the Lord Say so
Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Let the redeemed of the Lord Say so
Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
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