I.C.G.C Zoe Temple 20/10/11
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ife is a gift let celebrate it
Expectation is the mother of manifestation
Only Jesus has the anointing without measure
There is a demon behind every sickness
No body must blame God for what they are going through
The Kingdom of God is a personal adventure
In the Kingdom prosperity is not by hard working, Except the Lord build you will labour in vain
Every nation that celebrate its men of God receives blessings from the Lord
The most authentic prophesy is the word of God
May your breakthrough in the spirit manifest in the natural
Everything in the natural comes from the spirit
Faith is the most potent force in our walk with God
Every prophetic word is a prayer topic
Without faith you are bound to fail
Faith does not only believe the word of God but behave the word
Faith without deed is dead
God does not make sense, He makes faith
The things that threatens you does not threaten God
Any time you are afraid you are telling God He is weak
The more you sit in the office of higher anointing the more faith you need
Following Christ is not bread and butter
Human doctors are specialist in their field, Jesus is a generalist, and he cures all manner of illness and disease
Only the truth shall set you free
Outside of truth you will leave in bondage
Any love not rooted in the love for God is only temporal and fake
Sometimes you go through difficult situation not because you have sin
You are blessed
You cannot be sick
You shall not die
Faith adds colour to your Christian life
As a man thinks so is he
Prosperity is a state of mind
God will look at your attitude to determine your miracle
The Blessings of the Lord brings relaxation
Any time God is about to work a miracle, natural laws are suspended
If God prospers you and you are not a giver your prosperity will destroy you
The devil fights root not fruit
When God put a prophetic word upon your life you have secured your destiny
When you step into the centre of Gods will favour is automatic
It is the preacher’s responsibility to declare the word of God
It is your responsibility to believe the word of God
It is God’s responsibility to honour the word based on your belief
Nothing comes from Heaven until something leaves the earth
When you sweat to praise God you will never sweat to breakthrough
Amen!!! May I never leave the center of God's will. I know that if I am in the center of God's will, regardless of what is going on around me, I can be at peace knowing that my Father who neither slumbers or sleeps is working on my behalf. Thank you Father that your word is a sure word of prophecy.